Yugoslavia (Ex) - BDGarthcomics

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Yugoslavia (Ex)

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Garth has also been published in Yugoslavia  with many adventures from 1973 to 1976 in the  magazine Strip Zabavnik published by the editor Vjesnik in Zagreb. (A little of history : After the dislocation of the socialist republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, Zagreb becomes the capital of the Republic of Croatia (Slovenia). It is also the economic and the administrative center of the country (ref : wikipedia). Well if i have well understood, this magazine was a mix of different publications coming from editors of the whole world. In this magazine there were comics heroes such as : Rahan, Zagor, Orion, Blek etc ....

has been renamed Gart  and these are mostly Frank Bellamy’s stories.
Garth has also been published in the magazine Super Strip BIS (long size) (with other characters like Rip Kirby, Corrigan, Kerry Drake, Modesty Blaise).

Another publication in 3 issues of Lunov Magnus Strip
, 3 issues of Strip Magazin, and also in Zenit : 1 story, in the RS Magazin : 1 adventure, in EKS Almanah : 2 adventures, in Strip Oteka : 2 adventures (who also published Asterix) then in ZOV Strip :1 adventure, and i must add so many issues for which i have not been able to find the covers.

And in the daily paper Narodni
List from 1957 to 1959, I can suppose that these stories have been published as daily strips just like in the Daily Mirror : put do jasona, (Journey to Jason) Narodni list,1957,1958, trinaesti, (The 13th Man) Narodni list,1958, put u prahistoriju (Space Time Rivals) Narodni list,1958, let u buducnost (Flight into the Future) Narodni list,1958, invazija iz svemira, (Invasion from Space) Narodni list,1958
salamonov kamen, (The Stone of Salomon) Narodni list,1958,1959, zarobljenik, (The Captive) Narodni list,1959, ratnici iz krulla (Warrior of Krull) Narodni list,1959.

16 Aventures de Garth dans le Strip Zabavnik
20 Aventures de Garth dans le magazine Super Strip BIS
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