Translation-color - BDGarthcomics

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As some of you have asked to me, I’m gonna show you in 5 pictures, of what consists the work of colorization. It asks 5 hours treatment a page of this story of Garth « the Seven age" of Garth » published in France in the 50’s.
So the story has been published in italian in the tome 1 of the editions Camilo Conti,
in more than 110 pages. (it’s difficult to find these albums, 6 all in all at Italian booksellers, costs an average price of 50 euros for one magazine. (I have been lucky to get 3 for less than 20 euros each.)
1/ Scan (Scanner A3 because size 25,2 x 35 cms)
2/ Passage in The Gimp
for cutting and whitening of every page (yes that story has been published in 1975, so the pages turned yellow) and above all, a lot of grain and mistakes of paintings to correct (ink spots, not closed lines etc…)
3/ Erasing of the italian text
4/ In the colouring with The Gimp
, colors must not overflow and for that, it is imperative to close every section of the drawing, using the tool pen of The Gimp.
5/ Translation (I have a good knowledge of the italian and the translation softwares help me to do it) and eventually changes of the bubbles because the french text is longer than the italian one).
The result is not perfect because nothing is as good as a good hand-made colouring, especially that Dowling
and Allard used a lot of zones full of little points or hatchings, when you watch it in a A4 format it looks good, but when you focus on it, it’s not so good !

Using the thumb wheel of the mouse, you will be able to view the defects of the first raw-scanned picture with a black bar on the left side and full of « dirty » zones of that picture. On the photo on the right, the picture has had a first cleaning (a whitening) and if you zoom on it, you’ll see the points that i have voluntarily left that should be erased one by one with the Gimp.

Of the two drawings above I have marked with purple round the areas where the drawing is not closed, so if I use the Gimp as is the color will fill the entire drawing, thus drawing number 2 is fixed.
On-proof below is the result colorized, the action moves to the dark that's why the colors are accentuated (the zoom is not enabled on the 3 latest designs.).

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