Chronology - BDGarthcomics

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1. Garth DF/SD JA/SD 24/7/43 - 11/3/44 B175 - C61 197
2. Children of the Dawn DF JA/SD 13/3/44 - 5/8/44 C62 - C186 125
3. The Island Laboratory DF JA/SD 7/8/44 - 16/9/44 C187 - C222 36
4. The Seven Ages of Garth DF JA/SD 18/9/44 - 20/1/46 C223 - E17 413
5. The Saga of Garth DF JA/SD 22/1/46 - 20/7/46 E18 - E171 154
6. The Awakening of Garth DF DH/SD 22/7/46 - 19/10/46 E172 - E249 78
7. The Quest of the G-Ray DF DH/SD 21/10/46 - 26/4/47 E250 - F99 159
8. Garth Versus The Brain DF DH/SD 28/4/47 - 15/8/47 F100 - F194 95
9. Deep Waters DF DH/SD 16/8/47 - 24/1/48 F195 - G21 137
10. Into the Abyss DF DH/SD 26/1/48 - 10/4/48 G22 - G86 65
11. Olympic Champion DF DH/SD 12/4/48 - 20/9/48 G87 - G225 139
12. The Wonder Women DF JA/SD 21/9/48 - 8/2/49 G226 - H33 120
13. Man Hunt DF JA/SD 9/2/49 - 9/7/49 H34 - H162 129
14. Selim the Slaver DF JA/SD 11/7/49 - 26/11/49 H163 - H282 120
15. Garth and the Glove Game DF JA/SD 28/11/49 - 3/6/50 H283 - J131 159
16. Journey to Jason DF JA/SD 5/6/50 - 23/12/50 J132 - J305 174
17. Space-Time Traveller DF JA/SD 27/12/50 - 12/5/51 J306 - K113 117
18. The Phantom Pharoah DF JA/SD 14/5/51 - 6/10/51 K114 - K239 126
19. Wings of the Night DF JA/SD 8/10/51 - 17/3/52 K240 - L65 136
20. Space Time Rivals DF JA/SD 18/3/52 - 5/7/52 L66 - L159 94
21. Flight into the Future DF JA/SD 7/7/52 - 25/10/52 L160 - L255 96
22. Invasion from Space HM JA/SD 27/10/52 - 14/2/53 L256 - M39 94
23. Warriors of Krull PO JA/SD 16/2/53 - 13/6/53 M40 - M140 101
24. In Hollywood PO JA/SD 15/6/53 - 14/11/53 M141 - M272 132
25. The Return of Malveno PO JA/SD 16/11/53 - 5/5/54 M273 - N106 144
26. The Golden Sphere PO JA/SD 6/5/54 - 4/12/54 N107 - N289 183
27. The 13th Man PO JA/SD 5/12/54 - 2/7/55 N290 - O153 174
28. The Stone of Solomon PO JA/SD 4/7/55 - 25/1/56 O154 - P21 176
29. The Fantastic Doctor Quyn PO JA/SD 26/1/56 - 2/7/56 P22 - P156 135
30. The Hand of Attila PO JA/SD 3/7/56 - 1/1/57 P157 - Q1 155
31. The Last Goddess PO JA/SD 2/1/57 - 26/6/57 Q2 - Q151 150
32. The Captive PO JA/SD 27/6/57 - 15/1/58 Q152 - R13 172
33. The Sorceror PO JA/SD 16/1/58 - 31/7/58 R14 - R181 168
34. The Mask of Chang Ku PO JA/SD 1/8/58 - 3/2/59 R182 - S29 158
35. Crystals of Camelot PO JA/SD 4/2/59 - 16/8/59 S30 - S195 166
36. The Big Game PO JA/SD 18/8/59 - 15/3/60 S196 - T64 179
37. The Living Mountain PO JA/SD 16/3/60 - 24/8/60 T65 - T202 138
38. The Long Sleep PO JA/SD 25/8/60 - 9/3/61 T203 - U58 167
39. Warrior World PO JA/SD 10/3/61 - 26/8/61 U59 - U203 145
40. The Static Zone PO JA/SD 28/8/61 - 21/2/62 U204 - V45 151
41. When Venus was Born PO JA/SD 22/2/62 - 15/9/62 V46 - V221 176
42. The Hounds of Skarn PO JA/SD 17/9/62 - 23/2/63 V222 - W47 136
43. The Islands of Kaa PO JA/SD 25/2/63 - 3/8/63 W48 - W184 137
44. The Troll(re-run in 1968) PO JA/SD 5/8/63 - 27/11/63 W185 - W283 99
45. The Golden Slayer PO JA/SD 28/11/63 - 16/5/64 W284 - X117 144
46. The Rebels PO JA/SD 18/5/64 - 16/11/64 X118 - X274 157
47. The Teenager PO JA/SD 17/11/64 - 17/4/65 X275 - Y91 128
48. The Big Joker PO JA/SD 19/4/65 - 28/8/65 Y92 - Y205 114
49. The Time Couriers PO JA/SD 30/8/65 - 24/12/65 Y206 - Y306 101
50. The Invaders PO JA/SD 28/12/65 - 23/4/66 Y307 - Z96 100
51. The Brain JE JA/SD 25/4/66 - 13/8/66 Z97 - Z192 96
52. The Night of the Knives JE JA/SD 15/8/66 - 28/11/66 Z193 - Z283 91
53. Lord of the Computers JE JA/SD 29/11/66 - 28/3/67 Z284 - A73 101
54. The Wakening JE JA/SD 29/3/67 - 27/7/67 A74 - A177 104
55. Wrath of Venus JE JA/SD 28/7/67 - 7/11/67 A178 - A265 88
56. The Glenoig Miracle JE JA/SD 8/11/67 - 15/3/68 A266 - B65 109
57. The Time Lock JE JA/SD 16/3/68 - 6/7/68 B66 - B161 96
58. § The Web of Dionara (part 1) JE JA/SD 8/7/68 - 28/8/68 B162 - B206 45
44. * The Troll ( re-run) PO JA/SD 29/8/68 - 18/11/68 B207 - B276 70
58. § The Web of Dionara (part 2) JE JA/SD 19/11/68 - 8/1/69 B277 - C7 42
59. Mind Destroyers JE JA/SD 9/1/69 - 22/4/69 C8 - C95 88


60. The Rohan Legend JE JA 23/4/69 - 1/8/69 C96 - C181 86
61. Playboy of Space JE JA 2/8/69 - 7/11/69 C182 - C265 84
62. These Men are Mine JE JA 8/11/69 - 16/2/70 C266 - D40 88
63. Exiles JE JA 17/2/70 - 21/5/70 D41 - D120 80
64. Hell Ship JE JA 22/5/70 - 2/9/70 D121 - D205 85
65. The Brain Voyagers JE JA 3/9/70 - 9/12/70 D206 - D288 83
66. The Syndicate JE JA 10/12/70 - 20/3/71 D289 - E66 83
67. Journey into Fear JE JA 22/3/71 - 26/6/71 E67 - E149 83


68. Sundance JE FB/JA 28/6/71 - 11/10/71 E150 - E236 87
69. The Cloud of Balthus JE FB/JA 12/10/71 - 27/1/72 E237 - F23 91
70. The Orb of Trimandias JE FB/JA 28/1/72 - 22/5/72 F24 - F121 98
71. Wolf Man of Ausensee JE FB 23/5/72 - 6/9/72 F122 - F210 89
72. People of the Abyss JE FB 7/9/72 - 23/12/72 F211 - F303 93
73. The Women of Galba JE FB 27/12/72 - 10/4/73 F304 - G86 90
74. Ghost Town (re-run in 1976) JE FB 11/4/73 - 12/7/73 G87 - G164 78
75. The Mask of Atacama JE FB 13/7/73 - 25/10/73 G165 - G254 90
76. The Wreckers JE FB 26/10/73 - 18/2/74 G255 - H41 96
77. The Beast of Ultor JE FB 19/2/74 - 5/6/74 H42 - H131 90
78. Freak Out to Fear JE FB 6/6/74 - 27/9/74 H132 - H227 96
79. Bride of Jenghiz Khan JE FB 28/9/74 - 14/1/75 H228 - J11 90
80. The Angels of Hell Gap JE FB 15/1/75 - 2/5/75 J12 - J101 90
81. The Doomsmen JE FB 3/5/75 - 15/8/75 J102 - J191 90
82. The Bubble Man JE FB 16/8/75 - 28/11/75 J192 - J281 90
83. The Beautiful People JE FB 29/11/75 - 16/3/76 J282 - K64 90
84. The Spanish Lady JE FB 17/3/76 - 7/7/76 K65 - K160 96

74. + Ghost Town (re-run) JE FB 8/7/76 - 6/10/76 K161 - K238 78 


85. The Man-Hunt JE FB/MA 7/10/76 - 15/1/77 K239 - L12 84
86. Ship of Secrets JE MA 17/1/77 - 29/4/77 L13 - L100 88
87. Mr. Rubio Calls JE MA 30/4/77 - 15/8/77 L101 - L192 92
88. Sapphire JA/JE MA 16/8/77 - 28/11/77 L193 - L282 90
89. Finality Factor JA/JE MA 29/11/77 - 12/4/78 L283 - M84 112
90. Power Game JA/JE MA 13/4/78 - 10/8/78 M85 - M187 103
91. The Long Sleep JA/JE MA 11/8/78 - 18/11/78 M188 - M273 86
92. Voyage into Time JA/JE MA 20/11/78 - 15/3/79 M274 - N63 97
93. The Fisherman JA/JE MA 16/3/79 - 14/7/79 N64 - N166 103
94. The Mind Stealers JA/JE MA 16/7/79 - 10/11/79 N167 - N268 102
95. Citizen Mundo 19500 JA/JE MA 12/11/79 - 23/2/80 N269 - O46 87
96. French Woman JA/JE MA 25/2/80 - 13/6/80 O47 - O137 91
97. The Forgotten JA/JE MA 14/6/80 - 2/10/80 O138 - O232 95
98. The Iron Maidens JA/JE MA 3/10/80 - 14/2/81 O233 - P38 113
99. Legion of the Damned JA/JE MA 16/2/81 - 28/4/81 P39 - P99 61
100. Make Your Play JA/JE MA 29/4/81 - 2/6/81 P100 - P129 30
101. Day of Anger JA/JE MA 3/6/81 - 7/10/81 P130 - P238 109
102. The Space Mods JA/JE MA 8/10/81 - 13/2/82 P239 - Q37 108
103. Seek and Destroy JA/JE MA 15/2/82 - 7/6/82 Q38 - Q133 96
104. The Bombers JA/JE MA 8/6/82 - 5/10/82 Q134 - Q235 102
105. Hunters JA/JE MA 6/10/82 - 27/1/83 Q236 - R22 96
106. Merchants of Terror JE MA 28/1/83 - 29/4/83 R23 - R100 78
107. Hammer of Thorwold JE MA 30/4/83 - 1/8/83 R101 - R180 80
108. Sammy JE MA 2/8/83 - 3/11/83 R181 - R261 81
109. La Belle Sauvage JE MA 4/11/83 - 7/2/84 R262 - S32 82
110. Tell No Tales JE MA 8/2/84 - 9/5/84 S33 - S110 78
111. Lords of Space JE MA 10/5/84 - 24/8/84 S111 - S202 92
112. Winning is all JE MA 25/8/84 - 24/11/84 S203 - S283 81
113. Whose Finger on the Button? JE MA 26/11/84 - 7/3/85 S284 - T52 82
114. This Land is Mine JE MA 8/3/85 - 6/6/85 T53 - T130 78
115. Tigress JE MA 7/6/85 - 5/9/85 T131 - T208 78
116. Comet of Doom AA MA 6/9/85 - 5/12/85 T209 - T286 78
117. Return to Thule JE MA 6/12/85 - 14/3/86 T287 - U64 85
118. Sage of Eadon AA MA 15/3/86 - 16/6/86 U65 - U142 78
119. Brotherhood of Blood JE MA 17/6/86 - 15/9/86 U143 - U220 78
120. Vengeance of Venn AA MA 16/9/86 - 16/12/86 U221 - U298 78
121. Outlaws JE MA 17/12/86 - 18/3/87 U299 - V66 78
122. Super-Hero AA MA 19/3/87 - 17/6/87 V67 - V144 78
123. The Great Beast JE MA 18/6/87 - 16/9/87 V145 - V222 78
124. The Gallant and Gray AA MA 17/9/87 - 17/12/87 V223 - V300 78
125. The Don's Daughter JE MA 18/12/87 - 17/3/88 V301 - W66 77
126. In the Beginning AA MA 18/3/88 - 17/6/88 W67 - W144 78
127. Body Swap JE MA 18/6/88 - 16/9/88 W145 - W222 78
128. Beyond the Dreamtime AA MA 17/9/88 - 15/12/88 W223 - W300 78
129. Venus Trap JE MA 16/12/88 - 16/3/89 W301 - X64 78
130. Takeover UK! JA MA 17/3/89 - 15/6/89 X65 - X142 78
131. Scourge of God JE MA 16/6/89 - 14/9/89 X143 - X220 78
132. The Doll Master AA MA 15/9/89 - 14/12/89 X221 - X298 78
133. Swordsman of Sucubus JE MA 15/12/89 - 16/3/90 X299 - Y65 78
134. The Chiller Connection AA/JA MA 17/3/90 - 15/6/90 Y66 - Y143 78
135. Dancing Queen JE MA 16/6/90 - 14/9/90 Y144 - Y221 78
136. Dark Side JA MA 15/9/90 - 14/12/90 Y222 - Y299 78
137. Treasure of Colchis JA/TQ MA 15/12/90 - 16/3/91 Y300 - Z65 78
138. Bedside Manor JE MA 18/3/91 - 15/6/91 Z66 - Z143 78
139. Apache Moon JE MA 17/6/91 - 14/9/91 Z144 - Z221 78
140. The Iceman Liveth TQ MA 16/9/91 - 14/12/91 Z222 - Z299 78
141. Hell-Fire JE MA 16/12/91 - 16/3/92 Z300 - A64 77
142. Blood Sport TQ MA 17/3/92 - 15/6/92 A65 - A143 79
143. Man on the Edge JA MA 16/6/92 - 14/9/92 A144 - A221 78
144. The Killing of Rusty O'Roare JE MA 15/9/92 - 14/12/92 A222 - A299 78
145. Twin Souls PH MA 15/12/92 - 16/3/93 A300 - B64 78
146. Viva El Garto! AA MA 17/3/93 - 15/6/93 B65 - B142 78
147. Return to the Static Zone JA/PO MA 16/6/93 - 14/9/93 B143 - B220 78
148. Warlord JA/PH MA 15/9/93 - 14/12/93 B221 - B298 78
149. Champions JA/PH MA 15/12/93 - 16/3/94 B299 - C64 78
150. Nightmare in Paris AA MA 17/3/94 - 15/6/94 C65 - C142 78
151. Days of Doom JA MA 16/6/94 - 14/9/94 C143 - C220 78
152. Twilight World PH MA 15/9/94 - 23/11/94 C221 - C280 60
153. Stag Night MA MA 24/11/94 - 18/1/95 C281 - D15 48
154. Devil Woman PH MA 19/1/95 - 29/3/95 D16 - D75 60
155. Home Run AA MA 30/3/95 - 7/6/95 D76 - D135 60
156. Sub mission MA MA 8/6/95 - 16/8/95 D136 - D195 60
157. Bigfoot JT MA 17/8/95 - 25/10/95 D196 - D255 60
158. Railhead AA MA 26/10/95 - 5/1/96 D256 - E4 60
159. Room 202 MA MA 6/1/96 - 14/3/96 E5 - E64 60
160. Mistress Orange MA MA 15/3/96 - 23/5/96 E65 - E124 60
161. Nasuanna MA MA 24/5/96 - 8/8/96 E125 - E190 66
162. Sal's Island PT MA 9/8/96 - 17/10/96 E191 - E250 60
163. The Picture MA MA 18/10/96 - 28/12/96 E251 - E310 60
164. Dam Drivers MA MA 31/12/96 - 8/2/97 E311 - F34 36
165. Z File MA MA 10/2/97- 22/3/97 F35 - F70 36

(166.) Garth in Space KR JA/SD Daily Mirror Book for Boys 1970 24
(167.) Double Diamonds KR JA Daily Mirror Book for Boys 1971 24

Matching Initials authors


Cartoonists (Draftmen)

Scriptwriters and cartoonists

AA=Angus Allan

SD=Steve Dowling

SD=Steve Dowling

DF= Don Freeman

JA=John Allard


JE=Jim Edgar

FB= Frank Bellamy


HM=Hugh McClelland

MA=Martin Asbury

MA=Martin Asbury

KR=Ken Roscoe

DH=Dick Hailstone


PO=Peter O'Donnell


PT=Peter Tranter


TQ=Tim Quinn


JT=James Tomlinson


Thank you for this list was Rommel (which I myself started to do) (on site Polish site

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