Sweden - BDGarthcomics

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Sweden is one of the countries (of course after England) where the publications of the adventures of Garth have been very prolific. (115 adventures on 160 have been published, but, as i have been well searching, I have found 7 not listed stories, among which the swedish titles have not helped me to find the same in english.) (There is a doubt of this matter, it could be Asbury’s issues or may be Indrajal Comics translations (India) (anonymous authors) – if somebody knows something about that, just let me know in the tab « contact » of this site.

Frank Bellamy
has got the good part because except « Sundance », his 17 other stories have been published (and some of them twice). John Allard has drawn « alone » 8 stories and 4 have been kept. For his own, Martin Asbury has produced 80 stories and 69 have been published (because there are very few pages and it’s probably easier to publish in a magazine with stories of 4 or 5 « characters » without increasing too much the number of pages).

And unfortunately, the least well served, is of course the cartoonist and creator Stephen Philip Dowling
on the 60 stories he has drawn, only 24 have had the honor to be published !(certainly because, at the opposite of Asbury, his stories are long, and there are a lot of pages).Just above, all the covers of Agent X9 in which Garth has been published (from 1973 to 2002) and down below, the 8 covers of the non identified stories.
At last, the publication has been really chaotic, because the stories have been published in an indescribable mess.
Thanks to this site http://www.doloresserier.se
and to the other swedish people who have allowed me to find these covers.

For information covers are in chronological order of publication in England
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