ADCCC - BDGarthcomics

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Le club anglais ADCCC (All Devon Comic Collectors Club) à réedité pour seulement ses membres les histoires de Garth strips assemblés, remasterisés et papier de qualité, edité dans une chronologie différentes de l'ordre original de parution.
Ne soyez pas étonné si les numéros ne se suivent pas car ces manques concernent la publication d'autres héros ou héroine anglais : Roméo Brown, Dick Turpin, Paul Temple, Tug Transom, Billy The Bee, John Wayne, Jane, Matt Marriott, Monty Carstairs Casebook, Susie of the Sunday Dispatch, Buck Ryan, Ruggles, J. G. Reeder Terror Keep, Moomin and Family Life, Seekers, Carol Day, pour être franc avec vous je n'en connais que 4 d'entres eux (et encore je n'ai jamais lu d'histoire les concernant sauf si ma mémoire est bonne Roméo Brown et Buck Ryan)comme quoi je me suis concentré sur le personnage de Garth et la période Stephen Philip Dowling (ma préféré comme le club d'ailleurs vu le nombre d'histoires de Dowling reprisent) .

Les Histoires dessinées par Stephen Philip Dowling publiées (personnages Dowling et décors Allard) :

No. 5 Garth: Meets Jack the Ripper (Dowling/Allard)
No. 9 Garth: The First Story. (Dowling/Allard)
No. 10 Garth: Children of the Dawn/The Island Laboratory. (Dowling/Allard)
No. 12 Garth: The Saga of Garth (Dowling/Allard)
No. 16 Garth: The Awakening of Garth (Dowling/Hailstone)
No. 29 Garth: The Fantastic Doctor Quyn (Dowling/Allard)
No. 31 Garth: The Big Joker (Dowling/Allard)
No. 35 Garth: The Troll (Dowling/Allard)
No. 36 Garth: The Crystals of Camelot (Dowling/Allard)
No. 37 Garth: Lord of the Computers (Dowling/Allard)
No. 38 Garth: The Wakening (Dowling/Allard)
No. 39
Garth: The Invaders (Dowling/Allard)
No. 40 Garth: The Static Zone(Dowling/Allard)

No. 41 Garth: When Venus Was Born  (Dowling/Peter O'Donnell)
No. 42 Garth: Selim The Slaver (Dowling/Allard)
No. 43 Garth and the Glove Game (Dowling/Allard)
No. 46 Garth: Space-Time Rivals (Dowling/Allard)
No. 47 Garth: Flight Into The Future (Dowling/Allard)
No. 49 Garth: The Phantom Pharaoh (Dowling/Allard)
No. 52 Garth: Wings Of The Night (Dowling/Allard)
No. 53 Garth: Invasion From Space (Dowling/Allard)
No. 54 Garth: Wrath of Venus ( Dowling/Edgar)

No. 55 Garth: The 7 Ages of Garth (Part 1) (Dowling/Allard)
No. 56 Garth: The 7 Ages of Garth (Part 2) (Dowling/Allard)
No. 57 Garth: The 7 Ages of Garth (Part 3) (Dowling/Allard)
No. 61 Garth: The Brain (Dowling/Allard)
No. 62 Garth: The Web of Dionara (Dowling/Allard)
No. 63 Garth: The Glenoig Miracle (Dowling/Allard)
No. 65 Garth: The Teenager (Dowling/Allard)
No. 66 Garth Meets Hitler in: The Rebels (Dowling/Allard)
No. 72 Garth: The 13th Man (Dowling/Allard)
No. 75 Garth: The Wonder Women (Allard/Dowling)
No. 76 Garth: Man Hunt (Allard/Dowling)
No. 79 Garth: The Hand Of Attila (Allard/Dowling)
No. 88 Garth: Warriors Of Krull (Dowling)
No. 90 Garth in Hollywood (Allard/Dowling)
No. 100 Garth: The Last Goddess (Dowling/Allard)
No. 105 Garth: The Time Lock (Dowling/Allard)
No. 150 Garth: The Golden Slayer (Dowling/Allard)
No. 152 Garth: The Islands of Kaa (Dowling/Allard)
No. 155 Garth: Space-Time Traveller (Dowling/Allard)
No. 179 Garth: Warrior World(Dowling/Allard)

Les histoires dessinées par John Allard publiées :
No. 60 Garth: The Rohan Legend (Allard/Edgar)No. 62 Garth: These Man Are Mine ( Allard/Edgar)
No. 64 Garth: Exiles (Allard)
No. 107 Garth: The Syndicate (Allard)

Les histoires dessinées par Frank Bellamy publiées :

No. 1 Garth: Bride of Jenghiz Khan (Bellamy)
No. 3 Garth: Spanish Lady (Bellamy)
No. 7 Garth: The Doomsmen (Bellamy)
No. 13 Garth:The Angels of Hell's Gap (Bellamy)
No. 17 Garth: Freak Out to Fear (Bellamy)
No. 19 Garth: The Beautiful People (Bellamy)
No. 23 Garth: The Wreckers (Bellamy)
No. 28 Garth: The Bubble Man (Bellamy)
No. 74 Garth: Meets the Werewolf: Wolfman of Ausensee (Bellamy)

Les Histoires dessinées par Martin Asbury publiées :

No. 4 Garth: Sapphire (Asbury)
No. 8 Garth: Mr. Rubio Calls (Asbury)
No. 25 Garth: Voyage into Time (Allard/Asbury)
No. 60 Garth: Outlaws (Asbury)
No. 82 Garth: Blood Sport (Asbury)
No. 86 Garth: Vengeance of Venn (Asbury)
No. 110 Garth: The Great Beast (Asbury)
No. 111 Garth: Nightmare In Paris (Asbury)
No. 112 Garth: La Belle Sauvage (Asbury)
No. 113 Garth: Hammer Of Thorwald (Asbury)
No. 117 Garth: This Land is Mine (Asbury)
No. 119 Garth: Viva El Garto! (Asbury)
No. 123 Garth: Mistress Orange (Asbury)
No. 124 Garth: Z File (Asbury)
No. 125 Garth: The Picture (Asbury)
No. 126 Garth: Dam Drivers (Asbury)
No. 127 Garth: Winning is All (Asbury)
No. 134 Garth: Man On the Edge (Asbury)
No. 139 Garth: Days Of Doom (Allard/Asbury)
No. 148 Garth: Finality Factor (Asbury)

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